
Enquiry Management

Welcome to Enquiry Management Product

It is a big challenge for the organization to manage enquiries of customers.If your organization is facing problems and confusion due to poor scheduling and uneven work allotment, our software will help you sort out the mess.

Enquiry Management Software helps your organization to manage your product enquiry for demo or purchase. Switching to a digital system for inquiry management improves the authenticity of the data as it is not susceptible to manipulations and increases efficiency due to the automation of workflow.

Get Best Product For Your Business

    Usually, all the problems of the owner can easily solve just by adopting the technology, but people are fearful of it.

  • Reduce Paper Work
  • Easy to manage your business
  • Also Finish your data lose problem

Product's Key Features

Amazing Features of our Enquiry Management Product

Enquiry Management

Easily and fastest management of your customer enquiry.

Work Management

Work flow is easily manange by this software.

Invoice Management

Invoice Module is very useful in this software

Report Management

Reports are generated by this module.

Staff Management

Management of the staff is done by staff module.

Why Our Enquiry Management Product

Data Backup

Even during a system crash,Mandi Purchase software automatically restores your data.

User Friendly

Mandi Purchase online software is User Friendly.It means you can understand and use it very easily.

Safe to Use

Mandi Purchase online software is safe to use because your data are protected in it.

Use Anywhere

Mandi Purchase is online software.So, you can use this software from anywhere.